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Providence Pass Information & FAQ

“Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and progress.”

– 1 Timothy 4:15

Providence Pass Processes

House near forest and lake


Key Staff are required to have master’s level education. Lead staff is required to have bachelor’s level education. All employees must have either industry experience or education in their field.

Background Screening

All employees undergo a rigorous fingerprint and background screening according to AHCA [Agency for Health Care Administration] according to the administration of Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse.

Fla. Statutes

Providence Pass adheres to all standards set forth by Fla. State Statute 409.176. We demonstrate best hiring practices and operate with excellent ethical standards.


All staff is certified in CPR, AED, and First Aid upon hire

  • Within 90 days, each employee must participate in Non-violent crisis prevention and intervention and de-escalation education and training. Certifications are renewed every two years.
  • Employees must complete twenty hours of continued training and continued education each year.
  • Providence Pass operates under regulatory Fla. State Statute 39.201(1)(a), requiring us to report any suspicion of abuse or any allegation of abuse to Fla. Department of Children and Families, and governing body Faccca.


Providence Pass is a level 2 facility. All applicants are thoroughly screened for acceptance. Upon placement, each client is closely observed for one month.

  • Any client presenting a severe threat to herself or others is placed under Baker Act at a local Baker Act facility to be evaluated and monitored by medical and mental health professionals for 72 hours.

Providence Pass Questions and Answers

Is there an application fee?

There is no cost to have the application reviewed to determine if your daughter is a good fit for the program.

Do I bring my daughter to the program myself?

Yes, we will walk you through the intake process once your daughter has been accepted. Please note- ALL students coming to Providence Pass with her parents MUST know she is coming to a program and understand that she will be placed in our care upon arrival. We do not recommend lying to your daughter to get her to Florida. We will not accept a student who does not understand she is coming into a program.

Will you send me a packing list?

Yes, a complete packing list is included in the placement agreement.

Do you accept insurance?

A superbill is provided at the end of each 30 days to be filed as reimbursement to the policyholder. Providence Pass is private pay, and the parent/guardian is responsible for the costs.

When will I talk to my daughter?

You will have weekly phone calls to begin in the second week of her enrollment. The primary counselor will facilitate the first few calls. The primary counselor will schedule your call and initiate it on a weekday between 9:30 and 3:30 pm. Phone calls occur every week. Additionally, you will see your daughter via zoom for family therapy weekly.

Can I write my daughter?

Yes, we encourage frequent communication. You can send a postal mail or email letters to your daughter at any time, and they will be given to her upon receipt.

Can family members write to my daughter?

Yes, a list of approved family and friends will be requested and an outline of recommendations for communication can be reviewed in the student handbook.

Will parents be involved in the program?

Yes, the family will have weekly family sessions after 30 days. The Family Therapist will have calls with the parents starting the second week to discuss history, and challenges, set family goals and outline the work to begin in therapy. Parents will also have parent visits and home visits during the program. The visit guideline is outlined for you in the student handbook.

When will I see my daughter?

We have family visits the last weekend of every other month. Your first visit will begin after 45 to 60 days in the program. Your family visits will be for four days and start with daily visits. Overnights will be discussed after the first successful family weekend and begin during the second family weekend.

Can my daughter miss school during family visits?

Yes, we set academic tracks and progress goals with this in mind.

What do the girls do on the weekends?

The weekdays are full and structured. The weekends are a time for fun and relaxing to regroup and recharge for another week ahead. Saturdays are chores followed by outings to include fun teenage activities. I.e., beach trips, bowling, skating, movie theater, escape rooms, dining out, Disney Springs, City Walk, etc. Sundays include church and downtime around the ranch. Upper phase girls attend an outing monthly, including shopping and trips to town for ice cream.

Who pays for the outings and activities?

Providence Pass pays for all activities. Your daughter will have a spending card and will be allowed to spend her weekly allowance on weekend outings. From time to time, the girls will request a special dining experience in which they will use their spending cards for this cost.

Who will be my daughter's roommates?

Much consideration goes into room placement. The girls will rotate through the rooms and have new roommates periodically. All girls have a ‘Big Sister’ for 30 days when arriving at Providence Pass. The big sister will be her roommate until she phases up to phase 2.

What do the girls eat?

We provide three healthy balanced meals and three nutritious snacks daily. We can often accommodate meals and snacks around food allergies. Please note any allergies in the application to ensure we can accommodate her dietary needs.

Can she have personal snacks?

Yes, you may send her snacks and goodies, which will be kept in her snack bin and available to her on the weekends. Providence Pass provides nutritious snacks three times daily, and fruit is always available.

What if my daughter needs to see a doctor or dentist?

We will accommodate trips to the doctor or dentists, and there will be a small trip fee (usually 25.00). All OB/GYN appts will be required to be facilitated by you on family visits.

What if my daughter is on medication?

We will set your daughter up with a psychiatrist for medication management. The staff distributes all meds during the morning, lunch, dinner, and bedtime routine. You may provide vitamins and supplements to be given at med times.

Will my daughter be in school?

Yes, we have a fully-accredited academic program, and all students are enrolled in both the therapeutic program and the educational program upon placement. Upon arrival, all students are given academic coursework to complete over two weeks. An academic plan will be completed during these two weeks, and a computer will be set up for your daughter to begin her normal schoolwork. A copy of the most recent progress report and unofficial transcript is required in an effort to ensure all classes are necessary and appropriate for her high school track.

How do you handle infractions?

We use a ticketing system. Please refer to the student handbook for a list of common infractions and the responses. A ticket is equal to hours. These ticket hours can be worked off by doing chores around the ranch, assisting staff, writing essays, and helping. When a student receives a ticket, she may miss a phone call or the weekend outing until the ticket has been worked off.

What interventions do you have in place to keep my daughter on track?

We have several interventions that may be necessary to keep your daughter focused on her progress. These include safety designations, peer freeze, canceled calls, postponed family visits, and restricted outings. These interventions help your daughter focus on her personal growth, and the team determines the length of time for any intervention.

How long is the program?

We are a one-year program. Providence Pass is designed to be completed over ten months in residential. However, most are in the program for 11 months. The remaining time in the one-year contract is ‘After-care’, which begins as parent coaching in the program and includes parent coaching and home planning support. The After-care program is called The Bridge Program. The amount of after-care is determined and adjusted by the length of time in residential and varies from client to client.

Do you offer organized sports?

We do not participate in organized sports, although we have a highly active lifestyle. Clients attend Gymnastics and Gym weekly as an extra-curricular activity.

My daughter is enrolled and is now at Providence Pass. What happens next?

The house parents will update you on her first night to let you know how she is settling in. You will be updated the following morning again.

  • In the first two days, you will receive a contact information list of all staff and departments for your reference. You will also receive our welcome letter with helpful information.
  • In the first three days, you will be contacted by your primary counselor and family therapist to arrange a welcome call and discuss your availability for phone calls and sessions. Your primary counselor will introduce you to the parent phase work. Your daughter will meet with her primary counselor in the first three days for 90 min to complete a biopsychosocial. Her group therapy sessions will commence in the first week.
  • In the first week, you will have Parent Orientation to become familiarized with our processes and the program in general.
  • You will have your first phone with your daughter at the end of the first week.
  • Your daughter will begin neurofeedback in the second week by completing her first brain mapping session. Upon completion, you will receive the mapping results and an introductory email from the neurofeedback technician.
How often do the girls have therapy?

Each client has one individual session, one family session, and two group therapy sessions each week. The parents will have a ‘Client not present’ session with the family therapist each week. Family sessions begin after 30 days. Additionally, the girls participate in evening wrap-down groups three times weekly.

How will I know if my daughter is doing well?

You will have weekly family sessions, monthly follow-ups with the primary counselor, weekly phone calls with your daughter, and routine updates from the staff by emails and text messages. These calls and sessions are a great time to check in on your daughter’s progress. A parent/teacher call will be requested by the academic director if there are any educational program concerns. Weekly, monthly, and semester goals are set to track progress and visited each week to help her stay on course.

Will we have support for planning her return home?

Yes, in the final phases of the program, you will have home planning support from your primary counselor and through the Bridge program. A home contract is designed to outline expectations, and phases t continue her growth and success at home. Transition planning is highly detailed and thought-provoking. This takes place over the last 8 to 10 weeks in the program.

What is your success rate?

Success is different for every client and family. While some families are hopeful to see decreased anxiety and depression with improved mood stability and learned coping skills, others are highly centered on high school completion with the opportunity to attend a university. Success is a journey, and at Providence Pass, we believe in preparing the individuals and families for continued growth upon completion. Success at Providence Pass can be defined as fully engaging in the program, embracing growth, and actively working towards program completion through individual emotional and spiritual growth, restored relationships, more confidence, and improved focus. Success at home may be defined as a healthy family dynamic with improved respect for authority and boundaries, willingness to engage in family time through open communication and quality time, continued academic focus and success, and improved understanding of the importance of positive choice-making. We can say with confidence that greater successes result when an individual completes all phases of the residential therapeutic program and graduates from Providence Pass. Suppose your daughter is accepted at Providence Pass. You would like to speak with other families to discuss their journey. In that case, we will be happy to provide parent references.

  • girls
  • paint
  • students
  • horse
  • girls
  • paint
  • students
  • horse

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    • Is this a crisis situation?

    • Insurance Provider (if applicable)

    • Child's Information
      (for security purposes, please do not mention your child by name)
