We promote personal growth throughout our program. At Providence Pass, our therapists use a customized model to address emotional, physical, and cognitive development in adolescents. While each experience is distinct, we avoid strict schedules or limits on progress. Typically, clients stay at Providence Pass for about six to eight months.
Goals for Your Girl:
• Develop skills for improving relationships
• Reduce intensity, frequency and duration of anxiety and depression
• Replace negative and destructive behavior patterns with positive new ones
• Improve focus and communication/listening skills
• Improve self-worth and boost self-confidence
• Reduce need for medication long term
• Develop healthy nutrition and exercise habits
• Develop positive character and internal values
I planted the seed, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.…1 Corinthians 3:6
The Stages
Seedlings: Before a seed can develop and grow, it must be planted. In this phase, using care to ensure they are not crowded, all clients are introduced to the environment and their surroundings including the direct care team. To prepare for personal growth, an outline is created for each individual based on their specific needs. At Providence we recognize some seeds require sun to grow while others need shade and more or less frequent watering. It is vital to life to understand the individuals needs and create a process in which she can thrive. This stage generally occurs over the initial 4 weeks through assessments and evaluations by clinical staff and educators.
Rooting: This stage is one of the most crucial stages at Providence. This stage is where the individual begins to accept their environment and the support surrounding them, and begin to embrace Providence Pass. They are continually nurtured and helped with individualized care so they can take root and start to effect internal reflection and recognition. Self-awareness and responsibility for one’s actions begin to occur. This stage generally occurs in the 2nd month.
Stemming: In this stage we begin to see an outward change in each unique individual. Behaviors and attitudes present with more self-respect and respect for others. Relationships are developing and clients are more likely to behave in a more unguarded and genuine manner. This is vital in attaining skills to form a solid foundation for relationships with others and one’s self.
Budding: In this stage we begin to see self-forgiveness, continued growth in areas of self-awareness and self-love where the individual grasp hold of the beauty within- just waiting to be unveiled. At Providence, we believe every person is wonderfully and beautifully made by our Creator. This beauty is often buried deep beneath anxiety and depression and other contributing factors. Clients learn tools and develop skills to achieve personal well-being and improved levels of function. The inner beauty begins to present on the exterior through feelings of happiness, contentment, confidence and purpose.
Flowering: In this stage of life, the true beauty evolves. This is seen through an increased ability to focus and precise control. Understanding environmental elements surrounding the flower can affect the flowers ability to open, it is in this stage where expansion and empowerment take effect. Positive character and internal values have been planted, watered, nurtured and are blooming from within.
The Glorious Unfolding: This stage is our graduation stage. This stage occurs when the individual has allowed the process to make internal change and accept this new beginning. This stage is where we implement skills for sustainability and continued growth following her return home. This continued growth recognizes the need for spiritual nurturing as we embrace the course and set out to fulfill Gods purpose in our lives.
The Lord your God is going with you, and he will give you victory. – Deuteronomy 20:4
Upon the client’s discharge, we prepare a very detailed transition plan that helps the client sustain her drive for personal growth, achievement, and stable integration