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Sexual Promiscuity

We are here to help teens caught up in sexual promiscuity.

Sexual promiscuity in teens is characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with several partners on a casual basis. Sex can become an outlet for a struggling teen’s frustration, or the teen might believe that having sex is a demonstration of their partner’s love for them or their love for their partner. Promiscuous sex can be used to punish parents whom the teen believes is trying to control their life or prevent them from transitioning into adulthood. “Allowing a young person to continue to see sex in such an emotional immature and self-destructive manner can lead to an abortion of your child’s future.”

Many teens who are sexually promiscuous put themselves at risk for teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and low self-esteem (especially in girls) and little or no emotional health. Sexual promiscuity might seem like a norm or they might encounter peer pressure and forced to participate because their friends are doing it.

Teens who feel inadequate, imperfect and unappreciated are more likely to seek out comfort in premarital sex. But those teens who have a life filled with relationships, family traditions, activities, interests and receive consistent love and affirmation are less likely to engage in a desperate search for fulfillment that could lead to unwise premarital sex.

Be aware of these specific risk factors for premarital sex and teens:

  • Intoxication clouds judgment and weakens resistance to promiscuity.

  • A steady boyfriend or girlfriend is another factor that can lead to premarital sex. A strong feeling of exclusivity invites nature to take its course, especially when physical attraction becomes physical expression begins early in a relationship, especially when the boy is two or three years older than the girl. If a teen romance appears to be getting hot and heavy with excessive physical contact, you will need to approach both boy and girl diplomatically but candidly about the physical course they have set into motion.

  • Little parental monitoring, leaving adolescents alone for hours at a time and not requiring accountability is also a setup for premarital sex.

  • If a parent’s belief that premarital sex is appropriate and inevitable, or if you think premarital sex is okay, your teen will too and will most likely act on that belief.

  • Poor school performance will have an affect on your teen’s perception of premarital sex. While school performance is affected by an assortment of factors, a basic desire to do well in school reflects on a more hopeful outlook towards the future and will bring about an inclination to shun immediate gratification for long-term goals. Teen sex, in contrast, usually reflects ignorance of or little regard for the many consequences associated with premarital sex.

If your teen is caught up in promiscuity or premarital sex, please call us today. 

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  • girls
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