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Seeking Out A Residential School For Your Troubled Girl? Our Central Florida Residential Treatment Center For Girls Has Much To Offer.

Seeking Out A Residential School For Your Troubled Girl? Our Central Florida Residential Treatment Center For Girls Has Much To Offer.

If your daughter is struggling, you will want to find the best
treatment to help her. Providence Pass near Orlando helps
girls from across Florida.

  1. Beautiful Home & 20-Acre Ranch
  2. Individual, Family & Group Therapy
  3. Fun Recreational Activities
  4. Academics & Skill Building
  5. Equine Assisted Therapy
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    Teenage girl has trouble concentrating

    ADD in Teens – Symptoms,
    Challenges, and Treatment

    Understanding How ADD Affects Teens

    Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a condition that affects many teenagers, significantly impacting their behavior and development. Teens with ADD usually struggle with maintaining attention, managing their time effectively, and staying organized. These challenges can lead to academic difficulties, strained relationships, and low self-esteem. It is crucial for parents, teachers, and caregivers to understand how ADD manifests in teens to provide the necessary support and interventions.

    Teens with ADD often exhibit a range of behaviors that can be misunderstood as just defiance or laziness. However, these behaviors are symptoms of their condition. They might have trouble staying focused on tasks, frequently lose items, and seem forgetful in daily activities. Picking up these signs early can make a significant difference in their development. Early intervention can help manage symptoms and support the teen in leading a balanced, fulfilling life.


    Common Symptoms of ADD in Teens

    1. Easily bored and distracted: Teens with ADD may struggle to maintain focus on tasks, becoming quickly bored and distracted. This can lead to incomplete assignments and poor academic performance.
    2. Declining grades in school: Due to difficulties in maintaining attention, teens with ADD often see a decline in their grades. They may forget to turn in homework, miss important details in their work, or perform poorly on tests.
    3. Relationship challenges with peers and family: Social interactions can be challenging for teens with ADD. They might interrupt others, have trouble following conversations, or act impulsively, leading to strained relationships with peers and family members.
    4. Impulsive behaviors and restlessness: Teens with ADD often exhibit impulsive behaviors, acting without considering the consequences. This can result in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving or experimentation with substances.
    5. Symptoms in teen girls: In girls, ADD symptoms might be more subtle and include inattentiveness and internalized hyperactivity, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression.

    Teenage girl studying bored cannot concentrate

    Impact of ADD on Teen Behavior and Lifestyle

    ADD can affect many aspects of a teenager’s life, including school and socializing. Teens with ADD often struggle to focus during classes and while doing homework. They may find it challenging to follow instructions or keep track of their assignments. This lack of focus is not due to a lack of intelligence or effort but is a direct result of the neurological differences caused by ADD.

    In addition to academic challenges, ADD can also impact a teen’s social life. Teens with ADD might have trouble making and keeping friends. They may interrupt conversations, miss social cues, or act impulsively, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

    Moreover, ADD can affect a teen’s ability to manage daily tasks and responsibilities. They might frequently lose items like school supplies or forget important tasks. This can create a sense of chaos and frustration in their daily lives, making it harder for them to develop good organizational skills and habits.

    At Providence Pass, we offer specialized therapies like Equine Assisted Therapy and Art Therapy, which help teens manage their symptoms by improving focus, emotional regulation, and social skills. These therapies are designed to address the specific needs of each teen, promoting a balanced and fulfilling life.

    Distinguishing ADD from ADHD

    While Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are often used interchangeably, they have distinct characteristics. ADD is primarily characterized by inattention, whereas ADHD includes hyperactivity and impulsivity. Here’s a comparison to help differentiate between the two:


    • Primarily inattentive type.
    • Difficulty maintaining attention.
    • Less likely to be diagnosed early.
    • Symptoms might be more subtle.
    • Often seen as daydreamers.
    • Girls are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD.


    • Includes hyperactive and impulsive types.
    • Difficulty maintaining attention and controlling impulses.
    • Often diagnosed in childhood.
    • Symptoms are more noticeable.
    • Often seen as disruptive.
    • Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.
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    Effective Management Strategies for Teens with ADD

    Managing ADD in teens requires a combination of strategies tailored to their unique needs. Here are some effective management strategies:

    • Set reminders and use planners to stay organized and handle time efficiently.
    • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to help teens stay focused.
    • Provide extra time on tests and assignments to manage workload better.
    • Offer tutoring or special education services to support learning.
    • Take part in behavioral therapy to teach positive behaviors and social skills.
    • Implement study skills programs to improve academic success.
    • Create a distraction-free study environment to improve focus.

    Equine Assisted Therapy for teens

    Family’s Role in Supporting Teens with ADD

    Families play a crucial role in supporting teens with ADD. Here are some ways parents can help:

    • Establish consistent routines and clear expectations to provide stability.
    • Participate in therapy sessions to understand the teen’s challenges and learn strategies to support them.
    • Educate themselves about ADD to empathize with their teen.
    • Create a supportive home environment to reduce forgetfulness or disorganization.
    • Involve the teen in setting goals and planning activities to boost their confidence.
    • Monitor the teen’s progress and provide positive reinforcement.
    • Communicate regularly with teachers and school counselors to support academic success.

    How Providence Pass Supports Teens with ADD

    At Providence Pass, we provide specialized therapeutic approaches that are designed to meet the unique needs of teens with ADD. Our goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment where teens can thrive despite the challenges they face. By combining various therapies, we help teens build essential skills, improve their emotional well-being, and enhance their overall quality of life. Here are some of the key therapeutic methods we use:

    • Animal Therapy builds trust and improves emotional regulation.
    • Art Therapy provides a creative outlet for managing symptoms.
    • Group therapy enhances social skills and offers peer support.
    • Depression therapy addresses underlying emotional issues.
    • ODD programs improve behavior and family dynamics.
    • OCD treatment reduces compulsive behaviors and anxiety.
    • Behavior therapy improves social skills and manages ADD symptoms.
    • Individual counseling offers personalized support.

    Through these comprehensive treatment plans, Providence Pass makes sure that every aspect of a teen’s life is addressed, promoting both academic and personal success. Our therapeutic approach is designed not only to manage the symptoms of ADD, but also to support overall well-being and personal growth, helping teens lead balanced and fulfilling lives. Contact us today and let’s make your teenager’s journey to wellness a reality.

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    Billy and Jennifer Del-Giudice - Founders

    Who We Are

    Upward Bound provides a compassionate environment that nurtures the cognitive, emotional, and social development of struggling adolescents within a therapeutically supportive and educational community. Our facility includes private therapy offices for individual or family counseling, an intimate but modern group therapy room, indoor/outdoor interaction spaces, state-of-the-art technology, and educational tools to give at-risk girls the opportunity to heal and grow from past traumas.

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    Our Facilities

    Providence Pass is a caring Christian residential treatment center for girls coming from homes in Orlando, Florida. We’re located near Orlando, but we help girls from across Florida, including Orlando. If you’re looking at residential treatment centers near Orlando, Florida, please give us a call at (844) 244-2840.

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    • girls
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