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Seeking out a residential school for your troubled girl? Our Central Florida residential treatment center for girls has much to offer.

Seeking out a residential school for your troubled girl? Our Central Florida residential treatment center for girls has much to offer.

If your daughter is struggling, you will want to find the best
treatment to help her. Providence Pass near Orlando helps
girls from across Florida.

  1. Beautiful Home & 20-Acre Ranch
  2. Individual, Family & Group Therapy
  3. Fun Recreational Activities
  4. Academics & Skill Building
  5. Equine Assisted Therapy
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    Understanding Separation Anxiety in Teens

    Separation anxiety is a condition where a teen feels extreme distress when separated from home or loved ones. While it is normal for young children to experience some separation anxiety, it becomes a problem if it continues into the teen years or becomes too intense.

    Teens with separation anxiety may constantly worry about losing their parents or caregivers, fear being alone, and avoid activities that involve separation. Understanding separation anxiety, its signs, causes, and treatments can help parents and caregivers provide the support their teens need.

    Why is Separation Anxiety Common in Teen Girls?

    Separation anxiety is quite common in teen girls for several reasons. Understanding these reasons can help in providing the right support. Teen girls go through many emotional and social changes that make them more likely to experience anxiety when away from their family or caregivers.

    • Emotional Sensitivity: Teen girls often have heightened emotional sensitivity, making them more prone to anxiety
    • Developmental Changes: Adolescence is a period of significant change, and the need for independence can conflict with feelings of attachment. 
    • Social Pressures: Peer relationships and social dynamics can add stress, contributing to anxiety about being away from familiar people and environments. 

    Signs of Separation Anxiety in Teens

    Recognizing the signs of separation anxiety can help in seeking timely intervention. Being aware of these signs allows parents and caregivers to provide the necessary support before the anxiety becomes more severe.

    • Excessive Worry: Constantly worrying about the safety of parents or caregivers.
    • Fear of Being Alone: Refusal to be alone or to stay without a family member.
    • Avoidance: Avoiding school, social activities, or sleepovers due to fear of separation.
    • Physical Symptoms: Complaints of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical symptoms when separation is anticipated.
    • Sleep Problems: Difficulty sleeping alone or frequent nightmares about separation.
    • Clinginess: Staying close to parents or caregivers and needing constant reassurance.
    • Anger or Tantrums: Displaying anger or tantrums when faced with separation.

    Causes of Separation Anxiety in Teens

    Understanding the causes of separation anxiety can help in addressing and managing it effectively. Several factors can contribute to the development of separation anxiety in teens. These causes can range from family history to personal experiences.

    • Family History: A family history of anxiety disorders can increase the risk.
    • Stressful Life Events: Events like moving to a new home, changing schools, or loss of a loved one can trigger separation anxiety.
    • Overprotective Parenting: While well-intentioned, overprotective parenting can reinforce fears of separation.
    • Trauma: Experiencing trauma, such as abuse or witnessing a traumatic event, can lead to anxiety disorders.
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    Impact of Separation Anxiety on Teens
    Young girl wearing glasses laying on her bed

    Separation anxiety can have a significant impact on a teen girl’s life. It can affect her academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. Understanding these impacts can help in finding effective ways to support and assist her.

    • Academic Challenges: Frequent absences from school and difficulty concentrating.
    • Social Isolation: Avoidance of social situations, leading to fewer friendships.
    • Emotional Distress: Persistent feelings of fear, sadness, or anger.

    Addressing and Treating Separation Anxiety

    Taking proactive steps can help manage and reduce separation anxiety in teen girls. These strategies and therapies can provide the support they need to overcome their fears and improve their overall well-being.

    • Open Communication: Encourage open and honest discussions about their fears and worries.
    • Gradual Exposure: Gradually exposing them to separation in a controlled manner can help reduce anxiety.
    • Reassurance: Providing consistent reassurance and maintaining a calm demeanor can help them feel secure.
    • Professional Help: Professional therapy can provide tools and strategies to manage and reduce anxiety. Several therapies can effectively treat separation anxiety in teens.  
      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Helps teens identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies.
      • Family Therapy: Involves family members in therapy sessions to improve communication and support.
      • Exposure Therapy: Gradual exposure to separation in a safe and controlled environment to reduce fear.
      • Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage severe anxiety symptoms.
    Speak With Our Expert Advisors

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    Girl in pink shirt crying in her roomTreatment Programs at Providence Pass

    At Providence Pass, we offer comprehensive treatment programs designed specifically for teen girls dealing with separation anxiety. Our therapeutic approaches are diverse and designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. These methods aim to provide a holistic healing experience and address the various aspects of separation anxiety.

    • Individual Therapy: Personalized sessions to address specific anxiety issues.
    • Group Therapy: Peer support groups where teens can share experiences and build coping skills together.
    • Family Involvement: Involving family members to create a supportive environment.
    • ART Therapy : Using art activities to help teen girls connect and regulate their emotions and deal with anxiety.
    • Animal Assisted Therapy Programs: Interacting with animals to provide comfort and reduce anxiety.
    • Equine Assisted Therapy Programs: Working with horses to build confidence and emotional regulation.

    Other Disorders We Deal With

    1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    2. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
    3. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
    4. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)
    5. Avoidant Personality Disorder
    6. Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD)
    7. Bipolar Disorder
    8. Cutting Disorder
    9. Eating Disorder
    10. Mood Disorders
    Get Help For Your Teen Today Get Started or Call (844) 244-3890

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    Billy and Jennifer Del-Giudice - Founders

    Who We Are

    Upward Bound provides a compassionate environment that nurtures the cognitive, emotional, and social development of struggling adolescents within a therapeutically supportive and educational community. Our facility includes private therapy offices for individual or family counseling, an intimate but modern group therapy room, indoor/outdoor interaction spaces, state-of-the-art technology, and educational tools to give at-risk girls the opportunity to heal and grow from past traumas.

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    Our Facilites

    Providence Pass is a caring Christian residential treatment center for girls coming from homes in Orlando, Florida. We’re located near Orlando, but we help girls from across Florida, including Orlando. If you’re looking at residential treatment centers near Orlando, Florida, please give us a call at (844) 244-3890.

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    • girls
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